Last night, I thought I’d put a paddle on the bed so I’d remember to spank Lion. I didn’t. Instead, I did chores and promptly forgot about it. As I got ready to write about my forgetfulness and vow to remember tonight, it occurred to me to put the paddle on the bed now. Duh! Now it’s all ready to remind me. Of course, I’ll have to dust off the spanking bench first.

I don’t know if Lion wants to try his boner juice tonight or not. I know he’s not particularly fond of the Quadmix. For some reason, it hurts. It’s not the injection itself that hurts. I assume it’s similar to the sort of dull ache you get after the flu shot. I guess your body knows something is in there that isn’t normally there and it takes time to figure out what to do about it. If I’m going to spank him, I’d suggest holding off on the boner juice another night.

I’m interested to know if he’ll get even remotely hard in anticipation of his spanking. I know that woody always disappears when the enormity of punishment descends. Since he hasn’t been able to have an erection on his own lately, I wonder if it’s caused by lack of stimulation. I don’t mean sucking him. I mean, we’ve gotten away from play and even our daily emails. I don’t blow in his ear via the Internet anymore.

If my weenie springs into action, maybe I need to do more in the get-Lion-turned-on department, regardless of whether or not he uses the boner juice. We snuggled the other night for the first time in a while. I didn’t play with him. And he did fall asleep. I know it’s not his fault when he does. We stayed that way until I got uncomfortable and had to move. We can certainly snuggle more, and I can lazily play with my weenie even if I don’t expect anything to happen. I still like touching him, after all.

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