I am on a break now and decided to check in. Mrs. Lion is still not feeling well. She has a doctor’s appointment later today. I am writing this on Thursday. I’m glad she decided to go. She’s been taking COVID tests and is negative. She refuses to go to bed. Mrs. Lion says that she isn’t sick enough to miss work. I think this is a problem with working from home. If she had to go to the office, she would be in bed now.

Obviously, nothing is new on the sex or spanking fronts. I’m wearing my new training collar (“An Easy-To-Set-Up, Low-Cost Training Collar“) all day, every day. My lioness hasn’t felt well enough to send me a “hello” vibe, but I know she is aware that I am following my rule. Right now, the only important thing is that she gets better soon.

Meanwhile, she does her best to keep things normal here. I appreciate the effort but would rather she rest.

Listen to this post.


  1. With the vertigo, she now has no choice. She MUST rest; it’s crucial she does. Otherwise, she is just asking for a fall.

    1. Author

      She is taking it easy. Hopefully, it will clear up soon. Thanks for your concern.

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