I “warned” Lion I was going to use clothespins on him. I don’t know if he thought that was all the foreplay he was going to get because when I brought them out and started making a show of the plastic ones, he asked if I could get him a little excited first. Um, yeah. I remembered. I may have forgotten when it came to anal play, but I did remember it for CBT. Besides, I thought part of the pageantry was showing him the evil things before I used them.
Normally, I use one type of clothespin at a time. I don’t know why. I just pick one type and go with it. For some reason, I decided to do a combination of plain wooden ones and plastic ones. I have fewer of the plastic ones in the bedroom. They have more grip, so I don’t use a lot of them anyway. I’ve put something like 45 of the wooden ones on Lion’s balls in the past. I’d never try that with plastic.
I started the stripe near his anus and worked my way up. It’s easier that way. I can jerk him off without the clothespins being in the way. Certain spots along the way are more sensitive than others. Guess where the plastic clothespins went? I’m not entirely evil. If I were, I would have looked for more plastic clothespins so I could use them exclusively. I think he should consider himself lucky I only tugged on the plastic ones in the sensitive areas a few times.
Lion wasn’t very hard, to begin with, but when the clothespins started coming off, I lost him entirely. It’s too bad. I was planning on sucking him. Oh well. It gives me something to look forward to tonight. I think we’ll start out with the butt plug I was trying to shove into him the other night. I can put it on the bed to remind both of us what’s coming.
Such a great selection. But you never know what will work better this time.
It was fun 🙂