Today is a somber day. I just want to take a moment to remember those who were affected by the attacks on 9/11. Lion and I were living in New York, although we were not together at the time. His then-girlfriend was in Manhattan, trying to get out. My then-husband was on the last train that made it to the World Trade Center PATH station. It was hours before I heard from him. It was even longer before he made it out of Manhattan. I have no idea what it’s like for the families who lost loved ones or for the people who made it out alive, but I do know the memory of the planes hitting the towers and the towers falling will always be with me. The other two crashes were tragic too, but being in New York and having been to the World Trade Center on many occasions is the most vivid memory for me.

We decided late yesterday afternoon to pick up Lion’s replacement glasses. We were going and then decided not to, but when the subject of dinner came up, we decided we could pick up KFC on the way back from getting the glasses. We didn’t get home until about 8. By the time we ate and settled in, it was pretty much too late to do anything sexual. Lion was snoozing off and on. It just wasn’t a sexy night.

Today we are off to run errands. We’ll get an earlier start, and we should be home in plenty of time for dinner and subsequent activities. Assuming he snoozes a bit along the way, Lion should be awake enough to participate. I won’t let another night go by without at least trying to arouse him. My weenie needs frequent exercise. It’s been a few days since he’s been interested. I can’t remember when I got him hard last. I am determined to do it tonight.

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