To Each His Own

Taboos are fascinating to examine. The first one to consider is that it is taboo to think about taboos. It’s off-limits to challenge those instinctive fences we put around certain behaviors. The most puzzling to me involves selective rejection. Consider homosexuality. I have a penis, and I am very fond of it. Yet I don’t want to enjoy another guy’s weenie. If I like mine, why wouldn’t I like a friend’s? It isn’t logical. I’m an expert on how to make a penis have a good time, but I have a visceral dislike of using that skill on someone else’s.

On the other hand, I don’t have a vagina. It’s a rather mysterious part of a female. I am drawn to it like a magnet attracts nails. Wouldn’t you think that I would find the familiar, comfortable territory of penises more appealing? My attraction to the vagina is easy to understand. Nature programmed me to seek them out. Did nature also program me to avoid penises?

A lot of people want to think that’s true. We have divine instructions to seek out the opposite sex. Any deviation is a clear indication of a disease that needs to be stamped out. They also think mail-in ballots are obvious signs of election fraud. We can’t deny that evolution inclines us to seek reproductive sex. We also can’t deny that throughout history, a large number of people prefer same-sex fun.

There is no reason why a person can’t enjoy both penises and vaginas when you think about it. Each has a unique appeal. Could it be that nature couldn’t care less which sex organs we prefer to entertain? Obviously, a reasonably large number of us need to enjoy the opposite sex. We all agree that assures the continuation of the species. What harm is there in dipping our toes into same-sex water?

We have a deep fear and dislike of people who are different. Jerry Kosinski’s The Painted Bird is a disturbing and excellent exploration of this black part of us all. Certainly, there is comfort being with people who look and think like ourselves. That comfort is often confused to mean it is wrong to be with others. Unscrupulous politicians have capitalized on this fear of difference to take control of nations. Adolf Hitler is the most glaring in recent history. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the last. The former US president spent full time cultivating fear and hate of people who didn’t support him.

It’s so easy to reject differences. Even people like us, who break many sexual taboos, are guilty of this. The best way to avoid falling into this trap is to apply logic to test our gut feelings. For example, what would happen to me if I sucked another man’s penis? Would I throw up my lunch? Would I be poisoned? Of course not. Mrs. Lion has fed me my own semen many times. I didn’t like it, but I didn’t get sick. Do I want to suck another man? Nope. Do I want to eat my own semen? Nope, too. So what?

Let’s look at the larger world. In a nation of over 350 million people, will one million immigrants threaten my job? Possible, but unlikely. Is it scary enough to build a multi-billion dollar wall to try to keep them out? I don’t think so. It’s the same as sucking cock. I would rather not do it, but it isn’t going to hurt me if I have to.

Am I hurt if another man likes same-sex activities? I can’t see how. Will socializing with him cause me to turn gay? Puleeze! Reason is the enemy of discrimination and taboos. It’s so much easier just to react than it is to think and analyze. Demagogues rely on people reacting without thinking. If you can accept that I let Mrs. Lion spank me, I can accept that you like to suck dick. To each his own!


  1. That unreasonable fear of those different than us has caused so much turmoil and evil in this world. It would be good if we could all just chill out.

    1. Author

      Agreed. The problem is that people who want power at any price will galvanize ignorant people’s fears and use them to get the power they crave.

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