Sometimes I’m not exactly sure what went wrong. Maybe it was because I didn’t check out Lion’s buns or ask how they felt. Maybe it was because I didn’t pull out a butt plug. When I came back from my shower and got under the covers, Lion said he wanted dessert. It’s true, I could have asked if he wanted any other kind of attention. Instead, I just assumed he didn’t. We held hands and then he fell asleep.

He’ll be the first to say if he falls asleep, I automatically remove the possibility of sex. It’s not absolutely true, but there have been times that I was ready to do something when he was sleeping and when he woke up I wasn’t in the mood. He also says I can wake him since he doesn’t usually realize he’s fallen asleep. The problem with that is I think if he’s asleep he must be tired. Waking him won’t help anyone. Of course, there are other times when I think he must be well rested after a nap so we can play then. Sometimes he wants to and other times he says it’s too late.

We may not communicate well at times, but boy do I know he wants to be waxed! He’s mentioned it several times including last night when he asked if I had any idea when I could wax him. Unbeknownst to him, I already had the pantry ready and was planning on telling him we’d do it today. Way to steal my thunder, Lion. Sheesh! At this point, the wax has been melting for about an hour. I estimate it will be ready by 3. Depending on how I feel as I get going, I may or may not be able to do the whole Lion in one shot. I usually do the front on one day and the back in another. Since it’s Sunday, there really isn’t another day until next weekend. However, Lion tends not to be very furry on the backside. That means I can either ignore it till next time or I can polish it off quickly. In either case, the most important parts will be done today.

As I wax him, I usually give him some weenie attention. As I oil him up or clean him off, we have some fun. Today, it will also be a gauge as to how horny he might be for later on. A very excited Lion at waxing time doesn’t always translate to a very excited Lion at night, but there’s a good chance it will. If nothing else, I’ll know if he’s open to the challenge.

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