Lion worked a long time yesterday. When he came out of his office, he said he was going for a shower. It’s a good thing. I assume he was stinky from his diaper. I told him he didn’t need to wear one after his shower. That would have defeated the purpose of getting clean.
I won’t say I had plans for him. I had no idea what I was going to do. I only knew he wanted to play earlier in the day. Eventually, I decided on clothespins. The bag right beside my bed didn’t have wooden ones. There were some small, plastic ones that aren’t as evil as the dollhouse clothespins. There were also some plastic ones the same size as wooden ones. Of course, those plastic are worse than wooden but absolutely not as bad as the tiny plastic ones.
I think the tiny ones are much worse because all of the force is concentrated in such a small area. The fact that I use them in such a sensitive area just adds to the fun. The larger the clothespin, the more area the force has to dissipate. Obviously, if I put the larger plastic ones on the head of his penis, it would be far more painful. There’s no way that sensitive spot could handle it.
Lion was reasonably hard when the clothespins were on. He was still hard when I took them off. I guess they weren’t enough to get him too excited though. It took a fairly long time to get him anywhere near the edge. As it was, I gave out before he got there. When I tried to continue, he started to get soft. This isn’t a big deal. He had fun while it lasted and he wasn’t going to have an orgasm anyway. Edging him would have just made him hornier. Edging him today will have the same effect.
Just before bed, Lion’s back started to hurt. The man who can tell me if a paddle produces a sting or a thud is generally unable to tell me the quality of pain he’s experiencing. With all of his surgeries, I’ve asked if the pain is stabbing or constant, sharp or dull, muscle or bone, etc. and he’s rarely able to tell me. His back still hurts today but, I’m guessing, not as much. I don’t know if he’ll be in the mood for play later. Whatever the case, I’ll be available for all his play or snuggling needs.
woooooow! hope everything is fine with his back
I’m sure he just tweaked it a little bit. He’s fine now.
glad that everything is ok 😉