I keep feeling like I’m getting a cold or the flu. Unfortunately, this will go on for months. I don’t tend to actually get sick, but I feel as if I’m on the verge. It’s not a fun way to live but it happens almost every winter. Last night was particularly bad. I was cold and achy and tired. I felt better after I ate but still not great. I just didn’t feel like doing anything but hunkering down under the blankets.

Poor Lion was trapped in his cage with no fun to be had. He was worried about me and the only time he grumbled was a tiny, “poor Lion” near bedtime. He was kidding, of course. Being locked up for one day is not a big deal. He knows I won’t let him languish in the cage. At the very least, my weenie will come out tonight to stretch his legs, so to speak.

Lion asked me if his being hairless meant anything to me. Honestly, the only time I notice his being hairless is when we snuggle and my nose is not tickled by chest hair. Aside from that, I only notice his hair in passing. If, for example, I’m jerking him off, I might notice a few long hairs but they don’t bother me. As a matter of fact, when I ranted about having to wax him the other day, I was envisioning tons of hair, especially on his legs. I don’t know where I thought this hair was magically going to appear because he didn’t really have much hair anywhere. I guess that shows how much I pay attention. I didn’t even notice the obvious hairs on his balls when I’ve been locking and unlocking him. Duh!

He says he’s impressed with my substantial new rule. It’s something that bothers me a lot like interrupting. It’s not a froufrou rule like eating first or spilling things on his shirt. He did comment that he must be behaving himself because he hasn’t gotten a spanking recently. I told him to wait until Thursday night when we watch “Grey’s Anatomy”. If he can’t behave himself then he’ll get himself in trouble. Of course, the rule does not apply only to “Grey’s Anatomy”. Any show we watch could have the audacity to have a soap opera component. The nerve!

When I unlock the poor Lion tonight, I think I’ll see how many clothespins I can get on my balls. It’s been a while since I loaded them up. It just feels like the right time to do it.


  1. Did you ever make friends with your CPAP machine? I stopped having colds when I got serious with mine. That lack of real sleep is a killer. Love your blog.

    1. Author

      Until the other day I didn’t know where all the parts were. I’m not entirely sure it worked. The reports always showed I had 1-2 incidents per hour. This is the same as the report I got before the machine. Aside from that, I never found a mask that didn’t annoy me after a few days.

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