We’re expecting wind tonight. I know. You’re tired of hearing about the weather. Trust me. There’s a point to this. I had to go into the camper to lower the satellite dish. While I was in the closet, I saw the toy bag. And in that toy bag is a lot of paddles. One in particular, a rubber one, piqued my interest. I decided to take it inside.

Lion was writing his post when I went in. Then he said his tummy was bothering him. And he was snoozing when I came out of the shower. There wasn’t really a good time to tell him I had the surprise for him.

We watched the Jeopardy special and things got pretty late. Lion’s tummy was still off so I didn’t think he wanted any attention anyway. I may have been wrong. Where are those damn light-up buttons from Shark Tank? I did snuggle over around 10. And then I showed him the paddle.

In his post the other day, Lion said he liked it when I foreshadowed what was to come. Unfortunately, I wasn’t all that great at following through. Lion said he didn’t like that part so I stopped promising to do things. Now he might benefit from it.

Assuming Lion feels better tonight, I can use that paddle on his wimpy butt. Perhaps a good way to toughen it is with some play swats. If I start out with my hands then I can build up to the rubber paddle and his butt might not bleed. I think it’s worth a shot.

What do you think, my pet?

[Lion — I’ve used that paddle on a world-famous author and switch. She said it was the meanest she ever felt. Ouch!]