my flat ass and legs
This is my body. I have a small, flat ass and fairly thin legs. The kind of jeans I had been buying hung off me in a very unflattering, baggy way.

I am sorry our long weekend is over. It was really good to be with Mrs. Lion for four straight days. Now we are back to the same old routine. Since I’m working from home and I can’t really drive, the number of hours I wear clothing is a tiny fraction of each day. In fact, days go by when I don’t wear a stitch. When Mrs. Lion comes home from work, she generally removes all of her clothing as well. I guess we’re accidental nudists. We certainly don’t have a political or social agenda about not wearing clothing. I don’t wear any because it’s a rule I must follow. I’m not sure exactly why Mrs. Lion started being naked at home. Maybe she caught it from me. [Mrs. Lion – I think I did catch it from Lion in the beginning. Plus, it seems wasteful to put on clean clothes for just a few hours. Now, I stay naked, or not fully clothed, because it’s warm in the house. I guess having a naked Lion means having a warmer house.] In my case, at least, it cuts down on the laundry. Last week, for example, I only had two pairs of socks and two pairs of shorts. That means I wore clothes only twice: both times to go to physical therapy.

I know a lot of the nudist community thinks going au natural is better for the health. From the pictures I’ve seen, nudists seem to spend all their time at the beach. I suppose that’s good for the health as long as you wear enough sunblock. In any case, I can’t think of the last post I wrote while wearing clothing.

We don’t always publish every comment we get. Some people want to use our blog as a place to publish one of their own. They generally send long, rambling stories about some chastity or female domination activity. They almost never have a thing to do with what we write about. I think those people should go to the time, trouble, and expense of having their own blogs. I like to think that comments we do print, represent part of the dialogue where we all learn from one another.

While we got rid of a lot of boxes this past weekend, the supply of cartons containing our belongings seems endless. Some of the things I consider essential, like a WebCam for business meetings and my trusty point-and-shoot digital camera remain among the missing. I decided to replace them. It’s an expense I didn’t want to have, but I need both in the very near future. I will be writing a comprehensive review of the Evotion chastity device and that will require considerable photography. Mrs. Lion needs to use her phone when she wants to take a picture of my nether regions to illustrate some point either to you or to me. That’s inconvenient and not nearly as useful as our little digital camera.

Even though I had an orgasm only a couple of days ago, I’ve been feeling pretty frisky. I hope that means I’ve gotten past the current difficulties that Mrs. Lion has had edging me. I guess we lions are creatures of habit. That applies to pretty much everything. We both miss the snuggle and edging sessions. We’ve been trying to figure out a better schedule for play. I’m still having a lot of trouble sleeping through the night. I’m getting to watch a lot of streaming TV at two or three in the morning. Sometimes, I fall asleep while watching this early morning TV, and wake up missing an entire episode. That’s helpful because it lets me figure how much sleep I got. It looks like I get 2 to 3 hours of sleep-during-TV a night, and another three or four hours the conventional way. That’s not too bad though it still leaves me feeling tired and out of sorts during the day.

Neither Mrs. Lion or nor I have a lot of fashion consciousness. I’ve always bought jeans based on my waist size and inseam. Various styles eluded me. Usually, I ended up buying randomly. It turns out that almost all of my purchases are “relaxed fit”. That means the thighs and butt have extra space. I have a flat ass. Thank goodness Mrs. Lion likes it. She teases me that she spanks me where my butt ought to be.

Anyway, after a comment about my flat rear end, I wondered if there was something I could do to either bulk it up, or at the very least make it look as good as it can. So, I did a Google search on, “jeans to make a flat ass look better”. To my surprise, there were quite a few references. Actually, my first search was on how to make my butt fill out a bit more. I have to wear suspenders because the combination of my narrow hips and absent gluteus maximus, wearing a belt does no good and pants just slide off my hips and down.

Anyway, I didn’t see any rational suggestions on how to improve the shape of my rear. So then I looked for suggestions on how to look better if plagued by a small butt. That’s when I found out why there are so many different kinds of jeans for men. Apparently, each style is geared toward a specific body type. One informative article suggested that if you buy “slim fit” jeans, it draws attention away from the flat rear end and accentuates the nice general shape of your lower body.

Of course, this only works if you have a nice shape to your lower body. Fortunately, mine is pretty good. I have muscular, but not very big thighs and my lower legs and knees are in proportion. So I ordered a pair of slim fit jeans in my waist and inseam size. It was kind of odd getting into them. I was used to the baggy feel of wide-thigh legs and roomy calf space. I actually felt friction as I pulled the jeans on over my legs. It wasn’t exactly tight. It was just a nice, close fit. I didn’t have a ton of cloth hanging down behind me. While the jeans didn’t exactly hug my ass, they didn’t leave space for two or three more. It turns out that I looked pretty good in these jeans. I ordered several more of the style.

There are so many things I don’t know. Clothing facts are major areas of ignorance for me. I never even imagined there was any place I could go for advice. I figured that women spent their time thinking about fashion, guys don’t. Apparently they do, or there wouldn’t be 1500 different kinds of Levi’s. I suppose if I were a real nudist, I wouldn’t have to worry about the best jeans to conform to my body. Although, I’m sure even the most orthodox of the naturists have to put on clothing now and then. So they also probably look for things that make them look better.

I wonder if the “real” naturists express their fashion sense by how they groom their body hair. In the pictures I’ve seen, very few women or men for that matter, have any pubic hair. That’s nice to find out. If I ever get to go to a nude beach I’ll fit right in.

Today is Cyber Monday. I’ve been very distracted at work, looking at all the emails that come in promising me giant discounts. I haven’t bought anything. So far the only thing I’ve really accomplished is deciding what’s for dinner. And that had nothing to do with cyber anything.

We had a nice four day weekend. I’m convinced every month should have an extended weekend. My office has Christmas eve, Christmas day and the day after off. That means we’re working Monday and Friday of that week. Why bother? Just give us the week off. We won’t have another holiday off until Memorial day.

Anyway, I made quite a bit of progress unpacking. I got rid of a lot of boxes. The garbage and recycle guys hate me, I’m sure. I found some of the things we’ve been looking for. Others remain hidden.

I also made some progress in the Lion department. I finally got him to the edge and he had his orgasm. In his post yesterday, Lion again said we should start our activities earlier in the evening. I agree. He says it’s fine to wake him up if he’s snoozing. He never sleeps very soundly, but I think if he’s asleep it’s because he needs it. Why would I wake him up? But I will do so.

Last night I was doing laundry until fairly late. Since it was the day after an orgasm, I didn’t think Lion would want any attention. However, we did hold hands while we watched TV. I had heartburn so I couldn’t really snuggle in with him. He was snoozing while watching our stupid football team lose again. I didn’t figure there was any need to wake him up for that.

Tonight, I’ll make sure I give Lion whatever attention he wants. We can snuggle and see what develops. I’m not putting any pressure on him to be aroused. I’m certainly not putting pressure on him to get to the edge. Of course, I’ll do what I can to help but pressure is the enemy.

penis power toolIt was an eight day wait between orgasms this time. That’s about average lately. For reasons I have absolutely no clue about, it takes a very long time to get me to the edge. To save her arm muscles, Mrs. Lion used the power tool: the Magic Wand. This is an industrial-strength vibrator. In Mrs. Lion’s skilled hands it has never failed to get me off. Still, it took nearly 30 minutes before I got to the edge. When I was extremely close, she took the vibrator away and I humped air for a while as I tried to get over the edge.

She let me calm down a little bit, then applied the power tool again. Usually when she does this, it takes very little time for me to get back up to the top of the curve. This time it didn’t. She needed quite a few more minutes of stimulation before I got back to the edge. This time, she kept on and I had a very nice orgasm. I have no idea why my physiological reactions are changing like this. Apparently I can be reliably made to ejaculate with enough patience and energy.

I’ve never really talked about this, but it is a fairly odd feeling to be sexually passive. On very few occasions have I been allowed to be the master of my orgasm. I’m not referring to masturbating. I know I’ll never be able to do that again. A few times Mrs. Lion has let me hump her hand until I came. Usually, sex is me lying on my back and Mrs. Lion providing stimulation. If and when I ejaculate is purely up to her. My participation is limited to providing an erect penis.

Of course that comes with the territory. I surrendered all sexual control. Even if I were allowed to hump my way to glory, it would only be at the pleasure of my lioness. I know full well that orgasm is not necessarily part of sex that I experience. In fact, ejaculation only occurs only a few percentage points of the time. This is highly unusual for any male. Until six years ago, just like other guys, ejaculation was something I produced on demand. Most of the time, in the last few years, it was by my own hand. Before that, it was inside my lioness.

Lots of guys who practice male chastity romanticize this lack of control. They feel it is a very sexy form of submission. Surrendering our orgasms to a woman is a very hot concept. But, over time it takes its toll. I don’t feel like straying in order to find sex that I control. I have absolutely no desire for that. I don’t want Mrs. Lion to let me call the shots either. What we are doing works very well for us. I have no wish to change it. That doesn’t mean these feelings don’t come up.

magic wand on my hard penis
Mrs. Lion’s little helper.

I wonder if other guys in similar situations feel those little doubts about such a strong loss of control. Mrs. Lion and I both realized that if we were to be successful with our power exchanges, we had to be as consistent as humanly possible. When it comes to sex, that consistency has been absolute. Yes, occasionally I’ve fondled my penis when it wasn’t locked in a male chastity device. Mrs. Lion knows that. I’ve gotten myself erect, but never aroused enough to be close to ejaculation. All I’ve managed to do was make myself hornier. This is how Mrs. Lion intends it to be.

The problem for me is that when things aren’t going that well, when Mrs. Lion is tired or stressed, she is very unlikely to want to do anything sexual with me. I’m fine with that most of the time. However, if more than a couple of days go by without some sort of teasing or other sexual activity, I ask her to do something. When I do, she almost always agrees and provides some sort of sexual stimulation.

She’s wonderful that way. The thing is, I feel very guilty about asking her. I understand that there are lots of outside pressures competing for her time and energy. Sexually satisfying, or at least, teasing me has to take a relatively low spot in her priorities. Again, that’s perfectly understandable and I can accept it. But I also feel the biological pressure for stimulation. Some men are naturally submissive. They enjoy being put into a low priority category. It’s arousing for them to feel that they are ignored because they aren’t important. For them, it’s really hot when their partners pay no attention to them physically.

That doesn’t work for me. I’m not submissive by nature. That means that when I’m not receiving sexual attention, I feel a combination of guilt and anxiety. I’m anxious for her touch. It doesn’t matter whether I get an orgasm or not. It’s just incredibly validating to feel her hand sexually stimulating me. I may not make a lot of sense to you, but it’s how I feel. One of the most important clauses in our original male chastity contract was that Mrs. Lion would unlock me and edge me at least once every other day. She came up with that. It was clear then that I needed the attention, if not the sexual satisfaction of an orgasm.

It’s not that Mrs. Lion goes for long stretches without playing with me. She doesn’t. However, it’s generally the last thing she does in the evening. Sexual activity comes behind almost everything else in terms of her time. I recognize that some of the things need to be done before me. These include the food preparation and cleanup, punishments for me if earned, and her shower and other personal activities. The problem with that is that it’s often 10 PM by the time she’s ready for some bed activity. I’m not doing well at that hour of the night. I can’t explain what the problem is, but I’m just tired and I don’t respond well sexually. To make things worse, I’ve been falling asleep in the early evening while Mrs. Lion is occupied with her other activities. This seems to bother her.

I’ve noticed that when I have these naps, usually 30 to 60 minutes long, she doesn’t seem interested later in any play activity. It’s as if the fact that I fell asleep indicates that I’m not interested in activity with her. This is absolutely not true. I can’t control these periods of sleep. They come on me with no warning. Some of the time, when I wake up, I’m confused because I wasn’t aware that I slept at all. This seems to be a regular occurrence. I’ve talked to people about it and it’s not unusual or unhealthy. It’s just my fatigue. The pain in my shoulders restricts the amount of time I can sleep uninterrupted. I seem to be making up for that with these cat naps.

Mrs. Lion doesn’t seem willing to wake me up to do things. And she behaves as though once I’ve had one of these naps, I’m done for the night. I’m hoping we can change that. I’m also hoping that we can change our evening routine so that we start things earlier. There would be a huge help. We’ve had a few conversation along these lines. Mrs. Lion has agreed to try. Still, we haven’t figured out how to get this to work correctly.

I’m sure we will work it out. This is just a different phase in my life. I have to work on feeling less guilty about needing attention. I also have to work with Mrs. Lion on changes we can make that work for both of us. We have an excellent track record of being able to do this. I’m very sure we will work this out to both of our satisfaction.

As you know, Lion has been having some trouble getting to the edge lately. He “hints” that maybe what he needs is a blow job. I won’t always give him a blow job. He’s suggested using lube too but he doesn’t really like lube. I’d think lube would be slippery like my mouth but I guess it isn’t.

male ejaculation with vibrator
Mrs. Lion is a virtuoso on the Magic Wand. She can arouse me, edge me, and make me ejaculate any time she wants.

Yesterday, in my unpacking/excavation, I unearthed the Magic Wand. It was dead and the charging cord wasn’t with it. Lion will say he’s not in a panic but he tends to have a one track mind for certain things. Where is the cord? It has to be here somewhere. Where is it? I remembered finding two white charging cords that we didn’t immediately know what they went to. I put them somewhere, figuring we’d find it sooner or later. Well, the Magic Wand was one of those things. But where did I put the charging cords? One-track-mind Lion kept asking. Finally I remembered where they were, plugged the Magic Wand in and we were on our way to charging.

Once it was charged, one-track-mind Lion wanted to use it. It’s ready! It’ll be nice to use it. When can we use it? It’s funny how excited he gets about things.

I managed to delay him until about 8 pm. With the help of the Magic Wand, he was hard instantly. I won’t say it took any less time to get him to the edge, but he was certainly not losing his erection. The Magic Wand gave up before Lion did. I assume there’s a timer in it that automatically shuts it off at the twenty minute mark. We were both surprised when it stopped vibrating. The battery was not dead so I just turned it back on. Lion was already turned on.

I was a little leery of edging him. Did I want to take the chance that he’d lose his erection if I stopped short of an orgasm? On the other hand, edging him does make him hornier. I decided to give it a try. I can’t tell if he was disappointed that I stopped or if he expected it. I know he never exactly expects an orgasm and he’s said it wouldn’t be good to get one every time even if he has been having trouble, but I’m sure he was hoping for one.

When Lion is firing on all cylinders, I can do rapid fire edging. This time it took a bit to get him back. I decided I wasn’t going to take another chance on edging him. I’d go right for gold. It bears noting that Lion was helping things along with some bucking. I tried to time my movements with his. Maybe he was surprised when I let him go right over the edge. Maybe he was grateful. Maybe he was just happy he wasn’t broken.

I know Lion is acutely aware, but I have no idea how long his wait was this time. [Lion — It was eight days.] I’m just aware I’ve been replaced. Keep her charged up and, twenty minute auto shutoff notwithstanding, the Magic Wand never tires. I hope she and Lion will be very happy. *sniffle*