I didn’t get much sleep Tuesday night. We’ve been going to sleep way too late for me to get up for work and not be tired during the day. And Tuesday night, Lion woke me up and decided to have one of his drug-induced conversations with me. [Lion — It wasn’t drug-induced. I think Mrs. Lion was already awake. Since she was, I asked her if something was wrong and we chatted a bit.] Last night he just laughed very loudly watching TV while I was trying to get to sleep. Other than that, I have no idea why I’m so tired today.
While I was making dinner, I started to feel under the weather. Maybe it was the heat. I’m thinking it was more humidity related. And, of course, being tired played a role. We didn’t play because I was too uncomfortable. I’m not sure if Lion was looking for love or not. He’d had an orgasm the night before so he was probably good.
At ten, Lion said, “uh, oh.” I thought he was talking about doggie ice cream, but he didn’t follow it with the usual, “Do you know what time it is?” He realized I didn’t spank him. I told you I wasn’t feeling well. I completely forgot. No bueno! Lion graciously agreed to postpone it till today. What a guy! As if he has a say in the matter. But I can’t believe I completely forgot.
This morning I’m feeling frazzled again. We have a full weekend planned and I’m not sure how I’m going to get everything done. It’s hot. I’m tired. Since I understand I’m frazzled, I’m trying not to let it get to me. Fingers crossed.