A Picture is Worth 1000 Swats
“I’m not saying you’re wrong, but….”
Anytime anyone starts a sentence like that, you know you’re wrong. At least the speaker thinks so. When it’s Lion saying it, well let’s just say his butt is on the line so he should think twice about saying it.
He was referring to my spanking job on Saturday night. His buns were a nice deep red all over. I was so proud of them, I took a picture. And the picture, as you know, didn’t show the same thing I saw. Obviously, the camera was right. I was wrong. How could it possibly be that the camera missed what I saw? It’s not the first time. Other pictures on our site have looked different from what I’ve seen. I guess the difference is this time I was happy with the results and Lion could only see the picture of his butt. He could feel it too, obviously, but pictures don’t lie.
The more I told him what I saw, the more he told me the camera picks up whatever is there. The more he argued with me, the more annoyed I got. I assume he finally realized he was close to getting another day added to his already full punishment schedule because he finally said digital cameras sometimes have problems picking up red. Nice save, Lion. Your buns thank you.
However, this I-didn’t-swat-in-the-right-places review inspired me to make damn sure I hit in the right places last night. I used the wooden spoon even though it doesn’t pack the same punch as some of the other paddles. But it has a small head and I can concentrate the swats right where I want them. The result was not such a deep red as Saturday night, but I think I got my point across. I took another picture but I’m not at all confident it showed what I saw so the point is moot.
Lion said his butt hurt a lot. This time there was no blood so I had him sit on the welcome mat. He says the welcome mat I can’t find is meaner than this alternate one. I’ll have to find that other one. Still, the little coconut barbs poked him in all the right places so it wasn’t a total loss. Tonight his dessert will be Irish Spring soap. Lion says it’s supposed to be the worst. Good!