Back in the nineteenth century when male chastity devices were invented, their purpose was to prevent masturbation. It was believed back then that masturbation caused insanity. It was also believed to cause feeble-mindedness in males who practiced it. In Victorian England boys were fitted with these devices to prevent them from losing what little minds they had. Male occupants of insane asylums were fitted with them as well.

This wasn’t a universal practice. That’s a good thing because those early devices were painful, to say the least. It’s ironic that in the enlightened 21st century the principal reason people say they are locked into male chastity devices is to prevent masturbation. Everything old is new again. Of course, now the reason to stop the masturbation is to improve relationships. According to the folklore, excessive (you fill in how much that is) masturbation interferes with normal relationships.

Just visit any of the male chastity forums or read some of the blogs and you will see that the men claim they needed their penises locking chastity devices to stop them from jerking off. If you go by what you read, compulsive masturbation must be an epidemic. The idea, of course, is that the device is a tool for keyholder can use to “train” the caged male.

If we’re going to be completely honest, penis bondage isn’t necessary for a mature adult to kick the masturbation habit. If our mate has a conversation with us, and we agree to stop masturbating, that should be plenty to end jerking off. Years ago, when Mrs. Lion began locking me up, I gave training to stop masturbating as the principal reason I was wearing the chastity device.  I went so far as to claim the chastity power exchange, with her having sole control over my orgasms had turned into a lifestyle for us. To be completely accurate, I was referring to my sexual surrender, not the hardware.

In our case, the chastity device and the associated locking and unlocking rituals, provided us with routines that facilitated renewing our physical and sexual contact. We had drifted apart physically as Mrs. Lion lost her interest in sex. We both experienced problems trying to fix this prior to enforce male chastity.

You could say that chastity for us was a training aid. It did something we were unable to do on our own. The fact that the device made it impossible for me to access my penis, and that its presence is always visible to Mrs. Lion, kept us focused on our agreement to snuggle and provide me with occasional release. In a way, our application was inverse from the typical reason people claim to incorporate these devices. I wore one as a way of assuring that Mrs. Lion would give me regular sexual attention.

Over time, we built the good habits we needed in terms of physical contact in sex for me. If anything, the device became a barrier that delayed Mrs. Lion’s access to my penis. I discovered that wearing the device was a sort of security blanket; a wedding ring of sorts. I like being locked into the Jail Bird.

As prices have gone down, and information has become more available about them, more men than ever are buying and wearing chastity devices. Most don’t wear them long term. Many use them as toys that become part of sexual play. A relatively small number of us wear them all the time. Those of us who do, probably find different reasons for continuing than the one they started with in the beginning.

Some, like me, find wearing a device as a symbol of commitment. Others, also like me, enjoy the fetish of penis bondage. Still others use a device as part of a sexual game played over long periods of time. There are a sizable number of guys who like to be locked up and prevented from having any ejaculations for months on end. Over time, those of us who continue to evolve in the reasons we keep going.

Another interesting fact of life is that those of us who like a Female Led Relationship with Discipline (FLRD) have a hard time coming up with rules and reasons for our disciplining wives to punish us. We’ve been remarkably unsuccessful in expanding the range of offenses that get me spanked. I don’t think either of us thought that the initial rules I got were important pieces of behavioral modification I needed to make.

I do like being spanked. Our FLRD provides opportunities for this to happen. It also serves a much more useful objective: It teaches Mrs. Lion that she has the right to demand that I hear her and obey her. At least, that was the idea we started. It’s been difficult to work towards that objective. It requires Mrs. Lion to change the way she operates. Unlike enforced male chastity, where we had a piece of hardware to assure that we followed through on our decision to consistently restore physical and sexual contact, FLRD has no such training aids. Mrs. Lion has to do it on her own.

I’m hopeful she will. In the meantime, I’m also hopeful she will find reasons to bruise my bottom. While I don’t like being spanked while the spanking is being administered, I do like anticipating it and thinking about it later. I am also hopeful that if Mrs. Lion spanks me frequently, it will become enough of a “normal” activity for her that she will think nothing of punishing me for interrupting her or doing other things that cause her even a little annoyance.

Just as the chastity device has become a normal part of our relationship, spankings can too. I don’t think maintenance spanking counts in this case. She needs a reason even if it’s very flimsy. I think we both need a lot more work with me committing an offense and for her to punish me. While spankings for no particular reason satisfy my desire to be spanked, they don’t help her learn to forcefully let me know when I do something she doesn’t like.


  1. “If we’re going to be completely honest, penis bondage isn’t necessary for a mature adult to kick the masturbation habit. If our mate has a conversation with us, and we agree to stop masturbating, that should be plenty to end jerking off.”

    In a perfect world with perfect people, perhaps… people masturbate all the time because they are lonely, tired, feel neglected, busy (it is quick/expedient) or your mate is unavailable. Most of us would say men do this more than women since men are driven to being horny a lot more often.

    Wearing a cage makes it much more problematic for me to take things into my own hands. Working from home and business travel make one of the conditions above a pretty common experience for me. The cage is also a poignant reminder that I should be waiting for her to decide what happens for me sexually.

    People should also obey their wedding vows, consume alcohol in moderation and not over eat but you’ll find that in a large proportion of the population people fail at these tasks all the time. Frequently. Often. Regularly.

    1. Author

      Don’t forget to brush after every meal. 🙂

    2. Author

      Are you saying that you really don’t have enough control of yourself to stop masturbating? I agree that there are lots of reasons we do it. None of them seem to me so compelling that another activity like reading, watching TV, etc. couldn’t take its place. If you can wear a chastity cage and survive being horny for days on end, do you really believe you couldn’t do the same thing without the physical barrier?

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