Last night I went to a dinner meeting for work. I’m not sure I learned anything, but I was “encouraged” to go. Most of these meetings are annoyingly basic and boring. Oh well. I got a nice dinner out of the deal.

I got home around 10 pm. I was tired and still had to take a shower. Lion and I didn’t get much snuggle time. Neither of us likes when the other is out for a work function. Unfortunately, I have another one on Thursday night. This one is a football party and Lion is invited but I’m not sure he’ll want to make the trek to socialize with my coworkers. I’m not sure I want to make the trek either and I’m right here.

Anyway, tonight I’ll give Lion his play spanking that he selected from the modified Box O’Fun. It’s been a while since he’s had a play spanking. I think all the punishment swats dissuade me from giving him play swats. I realize that’s silly. They are different swats.

Punishment does build up, to some extent, but it gets hard quickly and is more rapid fire. Play swats start out with my hand. I do a lot of fondling his tush too. If he happens to have his balls peeking out between his legs I also give them some attention too. Why not? They deserve to be fondled too.

I’ll have to make more of an effort to give him play swats. I need to balance out punishment with play. I don’t want his buns to think they’re just for searing pain. They can have fun too.