166 Is A Very Lucky Number

166: That’s the number of ejaculations I’ve had since January 1, 2016. That’s when I started keeping track. It amounts to an average of one every six days. It felt like a longer wait to me. This is actually more frequent sex than the average middle-aged married man has. If you add in the edging — about 5 sessions a week — I have a much more active sex life than twenty-year-olds. If you consider that for this period I have been in an enforced male chastity marriage, that’s really extraordinary.

We are in a FLRD (Female Led Relationship with Discipline). As such, I’ve been spanked at least 100 times since 2016. We also practice BDSM. This generally entails some sort o sexually-based play. Aside from all the orgasms and edging, we play at least once a week. By any measure, there is a lot of sexual activity in our marriage.

Could it be that enforced chastity and FLRD assure a very active sex life? It certainly works out that way for us. I’ll bet you imagine that a chastised, submissive man sacrifices his sex life in favor of his kinks. I imagined that would be my lot in life. I’m happy to find the opposite is true. Yes, I have no vote as to when or where I ejaculate. Most of our play hurts. I get painfully spanked when I break a rule. I guess that is a bit childlike. If it is, I’m a kid with an amazing sex life.

All this chastity stuff isn’t about creating a male sexual desert. It’s about me surrendering sexual control. The only thing I’m allowed to use my penis for is peeing. Absolutely all sexual pleasure is at the whim of Mrs. Lion. After five years living this way, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I’ve had only one orgasm inside Mrs. Lion since 2016. That;’s because she has lost her interest in sex for herself. I do hope her libido returns. About 60% of my orgasms have been hand jobs, 39% oral. Almost all the edging has been with Mrs. Lion’s hand or a vibrator. On rare occasions, she will edge me with her mouth. It is’t that Mrs. Lion doesn’t like the taste of semen. She loves it! It’s just that blow jobs take a lot more physical work. I’m not complaining. I get more oral sex than most men.

My point is that it’s impossible to predict how things end up. We started by locking my cock in a chastity device. I imagined I would be driven half mad with the need to ejaculate. I didn’t think about the simple fact that if I can be locked into a device, I can also be unlocked. Mrs. Lion understood that from day one.

166 orgasms later I’m well behaved. I won’t masturbate and I still get spanked for misbehaving. I’m also very happy and consider myself the luckiest guy in the world for being married to Mrs. Lion.


  1. Has Mrs. Lion ever visited a doctor about the loss of her libido?? It may be due to some hormonal imbalance and as such might be easily correctable.

    1. Author

      Yes, she talked with her doctor about it. It’s not something she feels strongly about fixing.

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