We may not be back to full health yet but things are looking up. When I went to snuggle with Lion last night I decided to fondle my weenie. I didn’t really think it would respond. It did.

Eventually I got Lion to the edge. It seemed like it might be a ruined orgasm. Lion was still hard so I tried to continue. It wasn’t working very well so I asked Lion if he was done. Sometimes he can still be hard but he’ll tell me he’s done for the night. He didn’t think he was last night but I guess he was.

I wondered when I should lock him back up. Last night didn’t seem like the time. I guess I’ll know when it is. I noticed some red marks on my balls as I was playing with him. He’d done some manscaping. I normally nick him a few times while I shave his balls. I couldn’t very well get mad at him for doing it.

Even though he’s been sick Lion has tried to follow the rules. He’s been naked except for an occasional T shirt. He waits for me to eat first. He hasn’t spilled food. He’s tried not to interrupt. He’s been a good boy. I reminded him a few times that the rules don’t apply when he’s sick. But I think it’s important that he still try to be obedient.

I suspect sometime over the weekend Lion will be locked away again. It’s time to get back to normal. I think last night was an important first step in that. We’ll try for some edging tonight too. Baby steps.