It was pretty cold in the house last night. We were both huddled under the blankets watching TV. I agreed to postpone Lion’s punishment until it’s warmer. Of course that could be July. But I told him I reserve the right to add interest to the punishment depending on how long I wait. The rain seems to be returning so it should warm up a little.

As we were getting ready for bed Lion said he’s been locked up for a long time with no play. By his count it was three days. By my count it was two. He said he’s been locked since Tuesday night after his orgasm so that makes three day – Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I say he got his orgasm Tuesday so that night doesn’t count as a no play night. Wednesday I was really tired and last night we were freezing. Two nights without play. [Lion – I wasn’t counting nights without play. I was counting nights without being out of  the cage.]

Regardless of how many days it’s been for the poor Lion, I’m sure we’ll play this weekend. We have four days together if he stays home Tuesday with me. If not, then three is still good. And I only work half a day today. There’s definitely time for the sling and some pegging. And I can probably even tunnel through the spare bedroom to find the blindfold.

Last night Lion asked me if I thought we should stop enforced chastity and female led marriage. I don’t. He said he doesn’t either. I’m not entirely sure why he asked. I think he’s sorry he’s back in the cage. But if we did stop, what then? Wouldn’t we just fall back into old habits of not playing? I’m not suggesting the cage is needed anymore, but could I still edge him if I felt like it? Why would he let me? I wouldn’t be in charge anymore. There’d be no more “because I said so.” I’m sure he wouldn’t miss the punishment aspect. Maybe if there was something to replace it. The next best thing.

Do you have something in mind, Lion?