One of the key questions I have had to answer is, “How explicit should photos be on our blog?” When we started out, one of our main goals is to make this site friendly for both men and women, many of whom have never considered any sexual play. To make the site friendly, we avoided obvious penis pictures. However, as our conversation moves into specific activities, it’s clear to me that we need to show nudity and play. As you may have noticed, most of our images are black and white. This takes some of the “porn” feel out of these images.
We appear to have been successful. However, yesterday to illustrate Mrs. Lion’s post about playing in my sling, we added a very sexual image of me in my sling. Was that a mistake? Did we turn off some of our readers? Did we help our readers better understand what we are communicating? I don’t mind being the “model” for some of these images. What Mrs. Lion and I write is far more intimate than pictures of my butt or penis.
What matters most is that we share with you and how you feel about the material. Mrs. Lion appears to have a growing interest in topping more. She knows I want to bottom to her. I would like to share what we do with you. How do you feel about the sling image we posted yesterday (I put it into this post too for your reference)? If you are one of our female readers, would seeing imaged like this, or the ones on this page bother you? Would it help you better understand what we are saying? Would you be offended or turned of? Do black-and-white images make sexual topics more palatable?
Please let us know how you feel. Leave a comment and share your feelings about explicit images. Your feedback is very important to us.
Despite my confidence in my masculinity, I admit that seeing the fully display (and splayed if you will) Lion was a step back for me. It didn’t turn me off to the blog (you won’t get rid of me that easily) but it did give me pause. Actually… the opposite of pause. I immediately flicked up on my RSS reader on my phone to get the image off the screen in case little eyes wanted to see what Daddy was doing.
(aside: the human eye actually grows very little from child to adult hood. It’s one reason that children seem to have disproportionate large eyes, because they literally do.)
I think with your general tone and casual style of things, I’d avoid explicit NSFW images. The text is plenty NSFW itself, but it’s nothing I’d be ashamed if someone glanced at in passing. You also want to consider the ~small~ probability that explicit images of yourself could get out there into the wider web. Implications of such could always be surprising but no less a head-ache when they come up. Ya know?
While we didn’t get much response from the post, I tend to agree. Our goal is not to be safe to read at work, but it is to provide information without jarring an interested reader. We have a practice of putting our X-rated images on separate pages so people can choose to look or not. I think we will continue in this vein to help people like you have a safer, more pleasant experience.
The entire journey, every aspect of it, adds realism that I am totally enjoying. Not just enjoying, but finding refreshing. So often people that have NOT been in a power exchange relationship can not fully understand the dynamics, or they go into an unrealistic fantasy world with it, and have NO clue as to the day to day life with topping, being a bottom, and especially the day to day life of being in a chastity device. Having lived this for many years with My late husband, the two of you are doing fantastic! The communication is real, open and honest. As for the image ……. not only is it a beautiful display of total submission, the addition to realism is once again displayed.
Avoid erotic images? Why? So those that are easily offended don’t read this blog? If one is reading about Male Chastity with a sincere interest at all, I find it almost humorous that some might become offended. Male Chastity IS a form of BDSM. BDSM is hardly a subject for those that are faint of heart, or seem to have no interest at all in the dynamics of this lifestyle. Bravo to the the two of you! I read every single day. I have sent your blog to several of My friends that have an interest in Chastity but have those “unrealistic” expectations attached to it! Thank you both for sharing your story!
Thank you so much for your kind words. This blog is, for us, a way to share with you and each other. Please feel free to share too. For me, this experience is a new twist. My BDSM experience while extensive, is mostly as a top, with occasional scenes when I bottomed. Now I am a caged, full time sexual submissive. Quite a change.
In terms of images here, for now we will keep the blog posts R-rated with links to the explicit stuff. That way our readers can decide if they want to see me naked and illustrating an article. I’m happy you like them.
I’ve been reading your blog from the beginning (Feb of ’14), reading a month’s worth a day.
Why can’t I see the pictures? I see the captions but the pictures are a dead link.